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General Inquiries



We are always on the lookout for highly-motivated students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and post-doctoral associates to join our research team. For more information on current projects and on how to get involved email Dr. Fouragnan with a detailed CV and a short description of your interests and expertise.


We would be happy to consider project proposals for a number of fellowship opportunities, including but not limited to: Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (Fall deadline), British Academy Postodoctoral Fellowships (Fall deadline), Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships (Spring deadline), Newton International Fellowships (Spring deadline; only for candidates coming from overseas). It is imperative that you get in touch with us well in advance of the advertised deadlines to discuss potential opportunities in our lab and agree on a research project. Along with your inquiry, please attach a detailed description of your research interests and a copy of your CV, highlighting your current achievements and expertise.

School of Psychology

Drake Circus

Portland Square,

Plymouth PL4 8AA

Tel: 077-0333-5897

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